The Historic West Side Neighborhood Association was originally named the Westside Neighborhood Association. It was established in the late 1970s, primarily to fight a zoning change that would have altered the residential character of the neighborhood. In 1983 the HWSNA convinced the city council to “down zone” the entire area to an “R-3,” single-family zoning classification to stem the increasing conversion of homes into commercial uses and multi-family rental housing. Since that time the Association has been a steady voice of continuity before the city planning commission and city council to maintain the residential character of the area.
In addition to our advocacy on zoning issues, the Association has sponsored a “house history” program and provided plaques that formally recognized notable houses. The organization sponsored an annual tour of homes in the area and spearheaded several planting programs.
In 2001 the name was officially changed from the West Side Neighborhood Association to the Historic West Side Neighborhood Association. The HWSNA is a non-profit organization. Our motto is “Preserve-Protect.” Our Map Page shows our boundaries.
A vote was taken in December 2005 to annex the area covered by the former North Washington Park Neighborhood Association. That area will now be part of the Historic West Side Neighbor Association
It is important to note that City of Springfield Comprehensive Plan, expressly references the need to preserve the residential character of the area covered by the HWSNA, It provides:
[Section 6, Near West Area] states that “commercial areas are clearly delineated and should not increase in intensity.” And: “Redevelopment of any stable neighborhoods such as the Historic West Side should be mindful of the character of the surrounding area and ensure that any changes in use are consistent with the area.”
Board of Directors
Carrie Becker, President
Kurt DeWeese, Vice-President
Carrie Becker, Secretary
Sharon Riffey, Treasurer
Annet Godiksen
John Hollman
Darrell Riffey