The Historic West Side Neighborhood Association has been working to spruce up the corners in our neighborhood.
May 16, 2011. We have a limited number of orange tulip bulbs, yellow and/or orange hyacinth bulbs and some Easter lilies available to HWSNA members for corner plantings. If you live on a corner or have a neighbor who would let you beautify their corner space, please contact Carrie Becker, HWSNA president at to request bulbs and make arrangements. Available on a first come-first served basis.
The association was given 1000 tulip bulbs to spruce up the neighborhood. We planted the corners of MacArthur and Lawrence with tulips. We also planted tulips on Monroe by the Sacred Heart Motherhouse.
We have 99 plantable corners and about 1/3 of those are currently being planted by volunteers.
The HWSNA received a grant from Springfield Green to purchase tress for public placement. The tree grant program offered up to $300 for neighborhood and homeowner’s associations to replace some of the many trees destroyed by the recent tornadoes and ice storms.