Read News about Zoning Issues here
The Historic West Side Neighborhood Association (HWSNA) works to maintain the integrity of our residential neighborhoods. This effort includes monitoring the agendas of the Springfield Planning & Zoning Commission to identify zoning petitions that may threaten the residential character of the HWSNA areas. The Zoning Commission makes recommendations to the Springfield City Council, so the Association’s has provided critical testimony to the Council in its advocacy effort. We hope that members, areas residents and friends of the HWSNA consider attending zoning meetings when issues that pertain to the neighborhood are under review by the Springfield Building and Planning Commission and the Springfield City Council.
Zoning Petitions related to fencing are given Final consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission without further review by the City Council.
News about recent zoning issues is included under the NEWS portion of this website.
If you have a concern about properties in the HWSNA area or have a question about conditions in your neighborhood, including building codes or zoning issues you can generally contact the appropriate office for the City of Springfield through the City’s website, or call City of Springfield 217-789-2000, or 217-789-2468. The Building & Zoning office phone number is 217-789-2171. You may also contact a Member of the Board of Directors of the HWSNA.
The HWSNA is also a Member of ICON, the Inner City Older Neighborhoods association, comprised of representatives and friends of neighborhood associations throughout the central part of the City of Springfield, as well as concerned residents and officials of the city. For more information about ICON, go to: