HWSNA Advocacy to Protect and Preserve Our Neighborhood: Updates & Zoning

W. Lawrence and South MacArthur Boulevard Renovation

The City of Springfield is in the process of finalizing plans to widen the intersection and expects implementation to begin next year 2025.

1301 W. Washington: et seq. West Washington Apartments

There has been no productive change in the condition of this property. Owners are facing several violations related to the lack of maintenance and the lack of progress on redevelopment.

4th Residence Above Garage withdrawn after HWSNA and Neighborhood opposition.

The HWSNA provided also provided testimony in June 2024 in relation to a zoning petition @ 203 N. Glenwood.

This petition requested variances to enable the continued illegal use of the lower level of a garage as the 4th residence on the property. A prior variance had been granted in 1996 to allow a residence on the upper level only, but it was since developed for the additional residence on the lower level without any formal authorization. The HWSNA joined with other neighbors in opposition to this petition, and this caused the petition to be withdrawn. An additional residence was considered a too intensive use of the property, especially considering the need for additional parking and property maintenance.

1149 West Edwards: Zoning Classification Change

In January 2022, the HWSNA testified before the Springfield Planning & Zoning Commission in OPPOSITION to a petition requesting a change in the zoning classification, as well as variances for parking, for the property located at 1149 West Edwards, to enable the property to be leased for the purpose of the establishment and operation of a specialty (Italian) food store.

The HWSNA expressed concern that a general and permanent reclassification was too broad and could enable more intensive land uses in the future beyond the specialty food store.

The Commission approved the petition as submitted.

The HWSNA took no formal position when the petition was considered by the Springfield City Council in February, which subsequently approved the petition.

NOTE: As of October 8, 2024, there has been no apparent alteration or development of the property with respect to the establishment of the food store. Alternatively, a Massage Therapy service is now operating on the site.